7 Tips for Effective Security Camera Installation

When it comes to beefing up your security, you can’t go wrong investing in some security cameras. The security benefits of installing CCTV cameras are undeniable, whether for your home or business. However, the trick to success with your security cameras, especially if you’re doing it yourself, is proper placement.
For some people, it’s enough to set the cameras up in a place that has reasonable coverage over a sensitive area and call it a day. But for optimal results, it’s a good idea to be more discerning concerning where you put your cameras. When it comes to security camera installation, location matters, as do height, angle, type of camera, and field of view. It also pays to know what supplementary tech you might need to make the most of your cameras, like motion sensors or recording equipment.
Remember These Tips Before Setting Up Your Cameras
The bottom line is that setting up your cameras takes a little effort to get right, but with the right know-how, you can figure it out for yourself. Keep this simple security camera installation guide in mind before you set up your cameras to ensure you’re doing the job correctly.
1. Choose the right camera type

Before you start, it’s a good idea to assess exactly what your needs are, and what type of camera best meets them. For many, the optimal type of camera is a pan, tilt, and zoom (PTZ) camera. PTZ cameras are a good pick if you have the resources for active surveillance.
If a PTZ camera isn’t for you, you may also consider models with a wide field of vision, like 360-degree or panoramic cameras. These security cameras offer wider fields of view compared to other models, allowing you to cover a wide area with fewer cameras. It may also be worth your time to invest in cameras with thermal imaging or night vision, to ensure you can monitor the area even in low-light conditions.
2. Decide between wired or wireless
One tip for installing security cameras to keep in mind is whether to get wired or wireless cameras. The current generation of wireless cameras is comparable to most wired cameras, and there are some pros to using them. Wireless cameras can be set up in hidden places like trees, and can reliably stay hidden as they lack wires that might give them away. However, wired cameras are more reliable, as they are harder to hack or disable.
If you are going for wired cameras, also remember to invest in quality cabling and equipment. Exposed or low-quality wires can be compromised by bad weather, pests, or intruders, which can affect your system. If you contact a professional for security camera installation services, they may hide the cable in a conduit to make it harder to access.
3. Plan your placement properly
Proper placement is key to learning how to install a security camera properly. To ensure your cameras cover the area you want them to, consider the field of view, focal length, and angle of your camera. It helps to conduct an inspection of locations where you expect to set up. There may be obstructions nearby that may create blindspots where your cameras can’t see.
Your angle also matters when it comes to placement. For best results, set your cameras high up and angle them down for optimal motion detection. Setting your cameras up roughly 2 or 3 metres high and tilting them 15 to 30 degrees typically works best. Mounting the cameras high up and pointing downwards like this makes it much harder for intruders to sneak past or disable your cameras.
4. Cover every entrance

Covering key locations is one of the most important elements of proper security camera setup. On average, it’s best to have at least 2 or 3 outdoor cameras to cover all your entrances. Take a look around the exterior of your home to find the most convenient locations for you. A common setup when setting up residential security cameras is one camera for the front entrance, another for the back entrance, and one last for the side entrance or driveway. The same logic applies when installing a security camera system for business. Cover all your entrances to avoid any vulnerabilities in your security.
Aside from your doors, it’s also prudent to provide security for alternate means of entry. Intruders may try to sneak in via back windows, back doors, or basement doors, so it’s a good idea to install additional cameras to cover those other entry points.
5. Think about your lighting
Lighting is always a factor when it comes to installation of security cameras. Light is a must so your camera can accurately record what happens. Your security camera needs enough ambient light to capture details needed to identify persons caught on camera. Pay close attention to the surrounding lighting when looking for optimal spots to set up.
If there are some spots that aren’t getting the lighting you need to identify the surroundings and consider setting up lighting fixtures nearby to provide the necessary light. Alternatively, you can also invest in a night-vision camera if your budget allows.
6. Consider video storage and retrieval
In addition to your camera system, it’s also worth investing in video storage options. Setting your camera to record footage to a local storage system, or better yet the cloud, gives you a way to save that footage for later. Take note that some cameras use memory cards for local storage, while others record to the hard drives of their base stations. However, cloud storage is also an option, whether offered as the only option or offered along with local storage.
The convenience of cloud storage is that it allows you to retrieve security footage later, even if intruders can destroy or steal your cameras. Those surveillance videos are also much harder to erase, especially compared to memory cards and hard drives. If your budget allows, it may be worth exploring whether you can use cloud storage to safeguard your footage.
While you’re at it, this is also a good opportunity to consider adding additional systems to aid your security cameras after they’ve been installed. Other features like access control can make it easier to use or keep track of your system, especially if you’re some distance from your home or business.
7. Keep your system secure
Keeping your system safe from physical intruders is one thing, but it’s also vital you protect it from digital intruders as well. One common security camera installation tip is investing in digital security to protect your system. Quality camera systems have strong encryption and security protocols to keep themselves secure, but it’s also prudent to take your own steps to protect your system.
It’s strongly recommended you change the default passwords shipped with your system immediately. Do that immediately, and replace the passwords with strong, unique passwords to ensure your system has all the protection it needs. While you’re at it, always install security updates from your vendor whenever they become available to ensure your defences stay up-to-date.
Security cameras are a significant element of your security system as a whole, but they need to be set up properly to be effective. Location matters, as do the type of the camera, lighting, supplementary equipment, and proper angle. All these factors matter, so make sure you’ve done your homework before you start. With a little work, you can find a solution that works for you and provides maximum security.
At Phantom Security Group Inc., we’re there to help you through the ins and outs of installing your security camera system. We don’t stop at Markham security camera installation, we also help you every step of the way to finding the system that best suits your needs. Give us a call at (855) 201-8852 for professional security camera installation you can count on.